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Friday, August 11, 2006


{ "name":"Römerbrunnen", "Status":{ "code":200, "request":"geocode" }, "Placemark":[ { "description":"You'll find the Römerbrunnen (Roman Fountain) near Appellhofplatz. It was not, as one might think, built in Roman times, but rather in the 20th century. First erected in 1915 by Franz Brontzky, it was so severely damaged during the war that it had to be rebuilt in 1955. The fountain portrays the famous female wolf whose original is found on Capitol Hill in Rome. Here she stands on a high column. Walls with details depicting scenes of Roman life are placed around it on the bottom. Unfortunately they are not very well-preserved", "address":"Nähe Appellhofplatz, Cologne, 50667 Germany", "AddressDetails":{ "Country":{"CountryNameCode":"DE", "Locality":{"LocalityName":"Köln"} }, "Accuracy": 4 }, "Point":{ "coordinates":[6.951202154159546,50.94139363547401,0] } } ] }


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